

With our website, we use so-called cookies. These are small text files or other storage technologies that are placed and stored on your device by your internet browser. These cookies process certain information from you, such as your browser or location data or your IP address.

The processing of this data makes our website more user-friendly, effective, and secure. Among other things, it enables the display of our website in different languages or the use of a shopping cart function.

The legal basis for this processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, insofar as the cookies process data for contract initiation or contract execution. Otherwise, our legitimate interest lies in improving the functionality of our website (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR).

The session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your internet browser.


We may also use cookies from partner companies with whom we collaborate for advertising, analysis, or functionalities of our website.

For more details, particularly regarding the purposes and legal basis for processing such third-party cookies, please refer to the following information.


You can prevent or restrict the installation of cookies through a setting in your internet browser. Cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. The procedure for this depends on the internet browser you are using. If you have any questions, please use the help function or documentation of your internet browser or contact the manufacturer or support.

The processing of Flash cookies cannot be prevented via the browser settings. To do this, you need to change the settings of your Flash player. Here too, the help function or documentation of your Flash player or the manufacturer or support can assist you.

Please note that disabling cookies may result in not all functions of our website being fully usable.

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